There is a growing notion in the world that those who had a hand in the creation of our government would have laughed at, had they understood what it meant. That is that access to the internet is a basic human right. President Obama addressed this issue as early as 2015, when he stated that access to high speed internet is a necessity and not a luxury. The United Nations addressed it for the first time in 2011, and then in 2016, passed a nonbinding resolution condemning countries that intentionally take away citizen’s access to the internet.
The point here is that with the growing rights to access, and growing reliance on internet for social and employment needs, there is booming opportunity for growth in the WiFi industry. The year 2017 has certainly seen tremendous growth and that is not likely to stop in the near future.
Public WiFi. Everyone where you go – a store, a restaurant, a doctor’s office, etc. – you expect to be able to access the internet is need be. Even the New York subway system is equipped with WiFi in many areas now. In many places, you do not even have to ask for the WiFi password anymore, it is posted. Public WiFi may soon cut down the need for cellular network connectivity, as there are high-quality WiFi network connections available almost everywhere that serve the same purpose.
Phone Calls. As previously stated, WiFi phone calls seem to be the wave of the future. Because of this, telecom companies are shifting data off their cellular networks to meet rising demands of consumers. Many cell phone carriers have started offering WiFi calling.
Personalized Web Experience. In the coming years, you can expect a more personalized web experience with a deeper knowledge and understanding of what you are looking for. This could lead to an anticipated understanding of user needs, learn behaviors and understand agendas. It can therefore be able to propose recommendations, solutions or applications.
Cloud Management. Cloud-based services are increasing. These services, including Dropbox, Google Drive and more, offer free or low cost storage of documents, photographs and other properties. WiFi is crucial in this regard as it is required to access the cloud, anywhere at anytime.
In the upcoming years, it is safe to say that WiFi will continue to improve and increase in its user-friendly capabilities.